======================================================================== Kerberos.framework Version History ======================================================================== Current version: 5.5.2fc2 Date: November 30, 2005 Author: meeroh@mit.edu, smcguire@mit.edu, lxs@mit.edu, mjv@mit.edu, fdabek@mit.edu, yak@mit.edu ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.5.2fc2 November 30, 2005 [RT 3255] Don't byte swap addresses in krb4 tickets. Temporary KLL fix so mach_msg can't smash the port under Rosetta. Components: CredentialsCache 3.5.2fc2 KClient 3.4fc1 Kerberos5 1.4.2beta KerberosDebug 1.6.1fc1 KerberosErrors 1.6fc1 KerberosIPC 1.2.1fc1 KerberosLogin 1.8.1fc2 KerberosPreferences 1.3 KerberosWrappers 1.5fc2 Kerberos.app 2.0.1fc1 kinit 1.1fc1 klist 1.2fc1 kdestroy 1.1fc1 kpasswd 1.1fc1 kswitch 1.1fc1 kvno 1.1fc1 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.5.2fc1 October 6, 2005 [RT 2845] KfM build system should use Xcode cross-project dependencies [RT 2846] Error table generation should use Xcode build rule [RT 3188] CCAPI IPC layer should use network byte order [RT 3197] memory smash in dprintmem [RT 3198] dprintf should get gcc printf warnings Components: CredentialsCache 3.5.2fc1 KClient 3.4fc1 Kerberos5 1.4.2beta KerberosDebug 1.6.1fc1 KerberosErrors 1.6fc1 KerberosIPC 1.2.1fc1 KerberosLogin 1.8.1fc1 KerberosPreferences 1.3 KerberosWrappers 1.5fc2 Kerberos.app 2.0.1fc1 kinit 1.1fc1 klist 1.2fc1 kdestroy 1.1fc1 kpasswd 1.1fc1 kswitch 1.1fc1 kvno 1.1fc1 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.5.1 June 15, 2005 Components: CredentialsCache 3.5.1fc1 KClient 3.4fc1 Kerberos5 1.4.2beta KerberosDebug 1.6fc5 KerberosErrors 1.6fc1 KerberosIPC 1.2.1fc1 KerberosLogin 1.8.1fc1 KerberosPreferences 1.3 KerberosWrappers 1.5fc2 Kerberos.app 2.0.1fc1 kinit 1.1fc1 klist 1.2fc1 kdestroy 1.1fc1 kpasswd 1.1fc1 kswitch 1.1fc1 kvno 1.1fc1 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.5.1fc1 June 15, 2005 [RT 2973] Kerberos.app should not specify menu item coloring [RT 3070] Deleting empty realm/server/domain from Realms Editor should not ask if ok [RT 3072] Use setColumnAutoresizingStyle, not setAutoresizesAllColumnsToFit [RT 3071] Dock icon doesn't update when pref to show time in dock icon changes. [RT 3020] Authenticate dialog in "renew" mode has no cursor [RT 3051] KerberosAgent should disable apple menu [RT 3052] KerberosAgent should not have a services menu [RT 3095] KerberosAgent dialog text fields should not have contextual menus [RT 3055] KLL should not allow empty string password arguments [RT 3062] NULL prompt string crashes graphical prompter [RT 3069] KLL should inherit ticket_lifetime config option [RT 3053] mach_server_become_user does not reregister the service as the new user [RT 3068] remove mach_server_become_user [RT 3085] MachIPC servers should shed root privileges if necessary [RT 3067] Stop checking security trailers [RT 3061] CCAPI server relaunch handling code can't handle on-demand servers [RT 3074] CFBundleVersion should be build # [RT 3093] compile_et fails on strings containing " index " [RT 3083] getaddrinfo call shouldn't use faked telnet service Components: CredentialsCache 3.5.1fc1 KClient 3.4fc1 Kerberos5 1.4.2beta KerberosDebug 1.6fc5 KerberosErrors 1.6fc1 KerberosIPC 1.2.1fc1 KerberosLogin 1.8.1fc1 KerberosPreferences 1.3 KerberosWrappers 1.5fc2 Kerberos.app 2.0.1fc1 kinit 1.1fc1 klist 1.2fc1 kdestroy 1.1fc1 kpasswd 1.1fc1 kswitch 1.1fc1 kvno 1.1fc1 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.5fc10 March 21, 2005 [RT 2954] kinit -P and -p flags should apply to proxiability, not forwardability [RT 2971] thread_termination doesn't free array of thread specific data Components: CredentialsCache 3.5fc5 KClient 3.4fc1 Kerberos5 1.4.1beta KerberosDebug 1.6fc5 KerberosErrors 1.6fc1 KerberosIPC 1.2fc3 KerberosLogin 1.8fc7 KerberosPreferences 1.3 KerberosWrappers 1.5fc2 Kerberos.app 2.0fc1 kinit 1.1fc1 klist 1.2fc1 kdestroy 1.1fc1 kpasswd 1.1fc1 kswitch 1.1fc1 kvno 1.1fc1 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.5fc9 March 3, 2005 [RT 2942] possible profile null pointer deref in threaded app Components: CredentialsCache 3.5fc5 KClient 3.4fc1 Kerberos5 1.4.1beta KerberosDebug 1.6fc5 KerberosErrors 1.6fc1 KerberosIPC 1.2fc3 KerberosLogin 1.8fc7 KerberosPreferences 1.3 KerberosWrappers 1.5fc2 Kerberos.app 2.0fc1 kinit 1.1fc1 klist 1.2fc1 kdestroy 1.1fc1 kpasswd 1.1fc1 kswitch 1.1fc1 kvno 1.1fc1 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.5fc8 March 1, 2005 [RT 2946] Can't get tickets for v4-only realm [RT 2947] Memory leaks in __KLGetCCacheByName Components: CredentialsCache 3.5fc5 KClient 3.4fc1 Kerberos5 1.4 KerberosDebug 1.6fc5 KerberosErrors 1.6fc1 KerberosIPC 1.2fc3 KerberosLogin 1.8fc7 KerberosPreferences 1.3 KerberosWrappers 1.5fc2 Kerberos.app 2.0fc1 kinit 1.1fc1 klist 1.2fc1 kdestroy 1.1fc1 kpasswd 1.1fc1 kswitch 1.1fc1 kvno 1.1fc1 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.5fc7 February 1, 2005 [RT 2900] incomplete ticket cache confuses KLL [RT 2901] Kerberos.app uses freed Credential object on Ticket Renewal (crash) [RT 2905] Kerberos.app: Memory leak in stringValueForLifetimeColumn methods [RT 2907] Lifetime displays can display 60 minutes when not displaying seconds [RT 2903] Add symlink for libkrb5support.dylib so krb5-config doesn't lie [RT 2904] gcc-4.0 fixes for CCAPI -- just let it figure out to instantiate the globals [RT 2850] Kerberos framework should use a native Xcode target Components: CredentialsCache 3.5fc5 KClient 3.4fc1 Kerberos5 1.4 KerberosDebug 1.6fc5 KerberosErrors 1.6fc1 KerberosIPC 1.2fc3 KerberosLogin 1.8fc6 KerberosPreferences 1.3 KerberosWrappers 1.5fc2 Kerberos.app 2.0fc1 kinit 1.1fc1 klist 1.2fc1 kdestroy 1.1fc1 kpasswd 1.1fc1 kswitch 1.1fc1 kvno 1.1fc1 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.5fc6 January 28, 2005 [RT 2895] clients should not register mach servers in the root bootstrap Components: CredentialsCache 3.5fc4 KClient 3.4fc1 Kerberos5 1.4 KerberosDebug 1.6fc5 KerberosErrors 1.6fc1 KerberosIPC 1.2fc3 KerberosLogin 1.8fc5 KerberosPreferences 1.3 KerberosWrappers 1.5fc2 Kerberos.app 2.0fc1 kinit 1.1fc1 klist 1.2fc1 kdestroy 1.1fc1 kpasswd 1.1fc1 kswitch 1.1fc1 kvno 1.1fc1 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.5fc5 January 23, 2005 [RT 2894] prompter dialog should support NULL banner or name [RT 2899] __KLGetCCAPICCacheForKrb5CCache() leaks the string "name" [RT 2895] clients should not register mach servers in the root bootstrap [RT 2896] CCacheServer should not manually link against libstdc++.a (gcc 4.0) [RT 2897] gcc-4.0 requires new syntax to instantiate static members of template classes [RT 2898] Remove noisy debugging syslogs from debugging library [RT 2870] Crash on exit in mitkfw 2.6.5 [RT 2871] lib/crypto/prng.c doesn't deal w/read() returning -1 [RT 2872] memory leak in dns code [RT 2874] locking bug in file ccache [RT 2875] Fix mutex leak in gss libs [RT 2877] RPCSEC_GSS uses fixed-size buffers [RT 2878] data race conditions in krb5 libs [RT 2879] profile code never destroys its per-file mutexes [RT 2881] Crash on exit in mitkfw 2.6.5 after krb5_copy_cred call in cc_mslsa.c [RT 2884] Thread safety error in default rcache [RT 2887] krb5_unparse_name[_ext] can dereference null pointers [RT 2892] pull up some gcc-4.0 changes from #2876 [RT 2893] Irix k5_os_mutex_lock calls k5_pthread_mutex_lock w/ wrong arg. Components: CredentialsCache 3.5fc4 KClient 3.4fc1 Kerberos5 1.4-beta4 KerberosDebug 1.6fc5 KerberosErrors 1.6fc1 KerberosIPC 1.2fc2 KerberosLogin 1.8fc5 KerberosPreferences 1.3 KerberosWrappers 1.5fc2 Kerberos.app 2.0fc1 kinit 1.1fc1 klist 1.2fc1 kdestroy 1.1fc1 kpasswd 1.1fc1 kswitch 1.1fc1 kvno 1.1fc1 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.5fc4 January 12, 2005 [RT 2842] Use CopyProcessName instead of GetProcessInformation [RT 2860] KLChangePassword returns klParameterErr when server doesn't return strings [RT 2843] asl_log and asl_add_log_file changed prototypes [RT 2869] KLGetDefaultLoginOption (loginOption_LoginName) returns buffer, not string Components: CredentialsCache 3.5fc3 KClient 3.4fc1 Kerberos5 1.4-beta3 KerberosDebug 1.6fc4 KerberosErrors 1.6fc1 KerberosIPC 1.2fc1 KerberosLogin 1.8fc4 KerberosPreferences 1.3 KerberosWrappers 1.5fc2 Kerberos.app 2.0fc1 kinit 1.1fc1 klist 1.2fc1 kdestroy 1.1fc1 kpasswd 1.1fc1 kswitch 1.1fc1 kvno 1.1fc1 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.5fc3 December 17, 2004 [RT 2819] fix kpasswd error handling [RT 2820] fixed kvno error handling [RT 2811] kdestroy doesn't support file-based ccaches [RT 2821] kdestroy -c option should only destroy that ccache [RT 2822] fix kdestroy error handling [RT 2823] cleaned up klist error handling [RT 2824] klist -A option should print dashes between ccaches [RT 2825] klist should not error out if there are no v4 ccaches [RT 2826] klist should not crash if there are no v4 ccaches [RT 2827] __KLChangePasswordTerminal() shouldn't report klUserCanceledErr to the user [RT 2828] export __KLCreatePrincipalFromKerberos5Principal as a private symbol [RT 2829] __KLKrb5CCacheExists should use cc_ccache_release to free a ccache [RT 2809] use cc_ccache_destroy to destroy v4 CCAPI caches [RT 2830] __KLGetSystemDefaultCCache should return an error if is no default ccache [RT 2810] CCAPI error codes don't have error strings [RT 2831] Debug log should not be world writable Components: CredentialsCache 3.5fc3 KClient 3.4fc1 Kerberos5 1.4-beta1 KerberosDebug 1.6fc3 KerberosErrors 1.6fc1 KerberosIPC 1.2fc1 KerberosLogin 1.8fc3 KerberosPreferences 1.3 KerberosWrappers 1.5fc2 Kerberos.app 2.0fc1 kinit 1.1fc1 klist 1.2fc1 kdestroy 1.1fc1 kpasswd 1.1fc1 kswitch 1.1fc1 kvno 1.1fc1 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.5fc2 December 13, 2004 [RT 2800] Use Apple System Logger and set debugging at runtime [RT 2801] _KLAcquireNewInitialTicketsTerminal should not return krb5 errors [RT 2799] Use kCFPreferencesAnyUser, kCFPreferencesCurrentHost when writing prefs Components: CredentialsCache 3.5fc2 KClient 3.4fc1 Kerberos5 1.4-beta1 KerberosDebug 1.6fc2 KerberosErrors 1.6fc1 KerberosIPC 1.2fc1 KerberosLogin 1.8fc2 KerberosPreferences 1.3 KerberosWrappers 1.5fc2 Kerberos.app 2.0fc1 kinit 1.1fc1 klist 1.2fc1 kdestroy 1.1fc1 kpasswd 1.1fc1 kswitch 1.1fc1 kvno 1.1fc1 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.5fc1 December 6, 2004 [RT 2014] KLL should honor file based krb5 ticket caches [RT 2787] KLL should not use CFPreferencesCopyAppValue [RT 2788] alert sheets returning void should not run modal [RT 2789] Kerberos.app should use an NSToolbar [RT 2790] New Kerberos Authentication dialog HI [RT 2792] Ticket List window size and position handling busted Components: CredentialsCache 3.5fc1 KClient 3.3 Kerberos5 1.4-beta1 KerberosDebug 1.6fc1 KerberosErrors 1.6fc1 KerberosIPC 1.2fc1 KerberosLogin 1.8fc1 KerberosPreferences 1.3 KerberosWrappers 1.5fc1 Kerberos.app 2.0fc1 kinit 1.1fc1 klist 1.2fc1 kdestroy 1.1fc1 kpasswd 1.1fc1 kswitch 1.1fc1 kvno 1.1fc1 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.5b9 November 4, 2004 [RT 2747] kerberos.app doesn't always show window on reactivate [RT 2764] Realms editor should be able to set default realm [RT 2765] kinit should not loop forever getting password [RT 2766] realms editor should be able to save as administrator [RT 2767] Kerberos.app: remove '>' chars in prefs dialog in min/max time vals tab [RT 2768] include errno.h if using errno errors [RT 2769] Narrow authentication dialogs to take up less space [RT 2750] profile calls which set values should not fail if file is not writable [RT 2751] profile needs API to see if default file is writable or modified [RT 2754] include errno.h earlier in fake-addrinfo.h Components: CredentialsCache 3.5b3 KClient 3.3 Kerberos5 1.4beta KerberosDebug 1.6b2 KerberosErrors 1.6b3 KerberosIPC 1.2b2 KerberosLogin 1.8b8 KerberosPreferences 1.3 KerberosWrappers 1.5b1 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.5b8 October 17, 2004 [RT 2734] [libdefaults] lifetimes should have a default unit [RT 2740] No prototypes for profile_lock_global and profile_unlock_global [RT 2717] CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey() accesses homedir!! [RT 2732] com_err should be thread-safe [RT 2733] KLL should be thread-safe whereever possible [RT 2737] KLL should get des ticket for krb524 [RT 2570] Kerberos.app needs a realms editor [RT 2716] Kerberos.app needs applescript support again [RT 2744] Kerberos.app preferences and realms editor should remember positions [RT 2745] Kerberos.app needs a shiny Mac OS X like icon [RT 2746] Kerberos.app shouldn't front list window when activating if it's already visible Components: CredentialsCache 3.5b3 KClient 3.3 Kerberos5 1.4alpha KerberosDebug 1.6b2 KerberosErrors 1.6b3 KerberosIPC 1.2b2 KerberosLogin 1.8b7 KerberosPreferences 1.3 KerberosWrappers 1.4 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.5b7 September 8, 2004 [RT 2695] Cosmetic glitches w/dock icon & window title when deleting last ticket [RT 2697] Ticket list popup menu doesn't select default cache [RT 2698] CCAPI doesn't remember ccache lastDefaultTime [RT 2699] CCAPI can't store principals with spaces in their names [RT 2700] dprintmem formatting has cosmetic glitches [RT 2701] compile_et needs a man page [RT 2539] krb524d has no man page [RT 2694] krb5-config has no man page Components: CredentialsCache 3.5b3 KClient 3.3 Kerberos5 1.4alpha KerberosDebug 1.6b2 KerberosErrors 1.6b2 KerberosIPC 1.2b2 KerberosLogin 1.8b6 KerberosPreferences 1.3 KerberosWrappers 1.4 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.5b6 August 30, 2004 Build system improvements. Hack to build system for Apple pkinit patches to make merging easier [RT 2642] login window with keytab doesn't work with 5.5b4 (actually fixed in 5.5b5) [RT 2679] Kerberos.app crashes while waking from sleep [RT 2680] Authenticate to Kerberos dialog should not minimize with error sheet [RT 2681] klist man page does not list all the -f flags Components: CredentialsCache 3.5b2 KClient 3.3 Kerberos5 1.4alpha KerberosDebug 1.6b1 KerberosErrors 1.6b1 KerberosIPC 1.2b2 KerberosLogin 1.8b6 KerberosPreferences 1.3 KerberosWrappers 1.4 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.5b5 August 20, 2004 [RT 2674] kadmind "acl_init" API conflicts with Mac OS X acl APIs [RT 1716] install compile_et in /usr/bin [RT 2669] CCacheServer and KerberosAgent should quit on logout [RT 2670] Clients should register on-demand servers if they get unregistered [RT 2671] Login session API should return session attributes, not prompt type [RT 2649] KLL should use session ID *and* UID to distinguish between users [RT 2650] KLL should return Kerberos default realm if no favorite default realm [RT 2651] KLL should return the short user name if no KLL name exists in prefs [RT 2673] Add more fine grained private APIs to control prompting behavior [RT 2672] KerberosAgent should use the new Kerberos logo [RT 2658] kinit should support getting non-renewable tickets [RT 2663] KerberosApp should update renewal time when waking from sleep Components: CredentialsCache 3.5b2 KClient 3.3 Kerberos5 1.4alpha KerberosDebug 1.6b1 KerberosErrors 1.6b1 KerberosIPC 1.2b2 KerberosLogin 1.8b5 KerberosPreferences 1.3 KerberosWrappers 1.4 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.5b4 July 15, 2004 [RT 2571] Kerberos.app ticket list window should display when app fronts [RT 2575] KLL lock directory should use Session ID, not UID to distinguish between users [RT 2638] Kerberos framework should not link against ApplicationServices framework [RT 2583] fix buffer overflow in an_to_ln.c [RT 2634] Remove use of client principal from krb5_context (default_ccprincipal) Components: CredentialsCache 3.5b1 KClient 3.3 Kerberos5 1.4alpha KerberosDebug 1.6b1 KerberosErrors 1.5 KerberosIPC 1.2b1 KerberosLogin 1.8b4 KerberosPreferences 1.3 KerberosWrappers 1.4 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.5b3 May 21, 2004 [RT 2348] KfM should include krb5-config [RT 2564] Use compile-time checks to detect endianness whenever possible [RT 2566] Kerberos authentication dialog should not steal focus [RT 2567] KLL should support a global preference file [RT 2568] Stop installing CFM shim libraries [RT 2569] Disable Classic Ticket Sharing Components: CredentialsCache 3.5b1 KClient 3.3 Kerberos5 1.3.4beta KerberosDebug 1.6b1 KerberosErrors 1.5 KerberosIPC 1.2b1 KerberosLogin 1.8b3 KerberosPreferences 1.3 KerberosWrappers 1.4 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.5b2 March 18, 2004 [RT 1661] KfM should use Panther mach init per user mechanism [RT 2348] KfM should include krb5-config [RT 2416] KfM should not check OS version because it breaks configure tests in B&I Components: CredentialsCache 3.5b1 KClient 3.3 Kerberos5 1.3.3beta KerberosDebug 1.6b1 KerberosErrors 1.5 KerberosIPC 1.2b1 KerberosLogin 1.8b2 KerberosPreferences 1.3 KerberosWrappers 1.4 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.5b1 January 31, 2004 [RT 1960] KfM should use syslog() rather than logging to a file [RT 2013] KLRenewInitialTickets and KLValidateInitialTickets leak a krb5_ccache [RT 2178] kvno should always get fresh credentials [RT 2179] kvno should honor etype option Components: CredentialsCache 3.4 KClient 3.3 Kerberos5 1.3.2beta KerberosDebug 1.6b1 KerberosErrors 1.5 KerberosIPC 1.1 KerberosLogin 1.8b1 KerberosPreferences 1.3 KerberosWrappers 1.4 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.0 September 18, 2003 Components: CredentialsCache 3.4 KClient 3.3 Kerberos5 1.3.2beta KerberosDebug 1.5 KerberosErrors 1.5 KerberosIPC 1.1 KerberosLogin 1.7 KerberosPreferences 1.3 KerberosWrappers 1.4 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.0fc13 September 18, 2003 [RT 1866] Improper use of std::allocator in the CCacheServer [RT 1867] KLVerifyInitialTicket*() should not fail if hostname doesn't resolve Components: CredentialsCache 3.4fc3 KClient 3.3fc1 Kerberos5 1.3.2beta KerberosDebug 1.5fc2 KerberosErrors 1.5fc3 KerberosIPC 1.1fc2 KerberosLogin 1.7fc11 KerberosPreferences 1.3fc1 KerberosWrappers 1.4fc2 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.0fc12 September 12, 2003 [RT 1838] KLL should not always prompt on v4 only realms [RT 1839] KLS has UI glitches when caller provides principal [RT 1840] KLL stores tickets with bogus string to key type [RT 1841] kinit doesn't display IPv6 addresses Components: CredentialsCache 3.4fc2 KClient 3.3fc1 Kerberos5 1.3.2beta KerberosDebug 1.5fc2 KerberosErrors 1.5fc3 KerberosIPC 1.1fc2 KerberosLogin 1.7fc10 KerberosPreferences 1.3fc1 KerberosWrappers 1.4fc2 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.0fc11 September 11, 2003 [RT 1834] KLL must handle MIG using MACH_SEND_TIMEOUT [RT 1835] GUI prompter should handle NULL banner or title [RT 1837] Password change question should use strcasecmp, not strcmp Components: CredentialsCache 3.4fc2 KClient 3.3fc1 Kerberos5 1.3.2beta KerberosDebug 1.5fc2 KerberosErrors 1.5fc3 KerberosIPC 1.1fc2 KerberosLogin 1.7fc9 KerberosPreferences 1.3fc1 KerberosWrappers 1.4fc2 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.0fc10 September 2, 2003 [RT 1628] Stanford "v4_realm" tag broken [RT 1799] Apple password server support Components: CredentialsCache 3.4fc2 KClient 3.3fc1 Kerberos5 1.3.2beta KerberosDebug 1.5fc2 KerberosErrors 1.5fc3 KerberosIPC 1.1fc2 KerberosLogin 1.7fc8 KerberosPreferences 1.3fc1 KerberosWrappers 1.4fc2 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.0fc9 August 22, 2003 [RT 1762] KLL needs a way to store credentials [RT 1763] KLL shouldn't mangle principals (host/host.domain.com@realm) [RT 1764] Framework should use CFStringGetMaximumSizeForEncoding() Components: CredentialsCache 3.4fc2 KClient 3.3fc1 Kerberos5 1.3.2beta KerberosDebug 1.5fc2 KerberosErrors 1.5fc3 KerberosIPC 1.1fc2 KerberosLogin 1.7fc7 KerberosPreferences 1.3fc1 KerberosWrappers 1.4fc2 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.0fc8 August 20, 2003 [RT 1760] Wrappers can't create v4 principals without default realm [RT 1761] KLL can't create v4 principals without default realm Components: CredentialsCache 3.4fc2 KClient 3.3fc1 Kerberos5 1.3.2beta KerberosDebug 1.5fc1 KerberosErrors 1.5fc2 KerberosIPC 1.1fc1 KerberosLogin 1.7fc6 KerberosPreferences 1.3fc1 KerberosWrappers 1.4fc2 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.0fc7 August 19, 2003 [RT 1741] KLH should set LSVisibleInClassic=1 [RT 1742] CCacheClassic server should be LSVisibleInClassic=1 [RT 1731] rd_cred double frees memory (DOS attack against GSSAPI servers) Components: CredentialsCache 3.4fc2 KClient 3.3fc1 Kerberos5 1.3.2beta KerberosDebug 1.5fc1 KerberosErrors 1.5fc2 KerberosIPC 1.1fc1 KerberosLogin 1.7fc5 KerberosPreferences 1.3fc1 KerberosWrappers 1.4fc1 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.0fc6 August 18, 2003 [RT 1730] src/lib/krb4/mk_auth.c clears return value Components: CredentialsCache 3.4fc1 KClient 3.3fc1 Kerberos5 1.3.2beta KerberosDebug 1.5fc1 KerberosErrors 1.5fc2 KerberosIPC 1.1fc1 KerberosLogin 1.7fc4 KerberosPreferences 1.3fc1 KerberosWrappers 1.4fc1 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.0fc5 August 10, 2003 [RT 1723] KLL does not honor dns_fallback = no Components: CredentialsCache 3.4fc1 KClient 3.3fc1 Kerberos5 1.3.2beta KerberosDebug 1.5fc1 KerberosErrors 1.5fc2 KerberosIPC 1.1fc1 KerberosLogin 1.7fc4 KerberosPreferences 1.3fc1 KerberosWrappers 1.4fc1 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.0fc4 August 8, 2003 [RT 1705] loginLogout plugins should not reenter prompting code [RT 1719] KLL should handle long v5 principals with no instances [RT 1721] get_init_creds_password: DNS SRV off causes bogus REALM_UNKNOWN Components: CredentialsCache 3.4fc1 KClient 3.3fc1 Kerberos5 1.3.1beta1 KerberosDebug 1.5fc1 KerberosErrors 1.5fc2 KerberosIPC 1.1fc1 KerberosLogin 1.7fc3 KerberosPreferences 1.3fc1 KerberosWrappers 1.4fc1 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.0fc3 August 4, 2003 AD lockout issue fix. Don't do krb524 on realms using the "v4_realm" tag KLAcquireNewInitialTickets no longer violates API spec in terminal case Do not use NSMatrix with NSSecureTextFieldCell for the prompter loginLogout plugins no longer reenter prompting code KLL no longer requires krb524 for sites with v4 and v5 (renewing, etc) Components: CredentialsCache 3.4fc1 KClient 3.3fc1 Kerberos5 1.3.1beta1 KerberosDebug 1.5fc1 KerberosErrors 1.5fc2 KerberosIPC 1.1fc1 KerberosLogin 1.7fc2 KerberosPreferences 1.3fc1 KerberosWrappers 1.4fc1 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.0fc2 July 23, 2003 Fixed bug where sometimes compile_et doesn't catch the first error string klist can now display file based caches krb5_principal2salt now in krb5.h krb5_cc_resolve now works for file based caches switched from getaddrinfo to gethostbyname to address performance problems Fixed protocol problem (krb5 1.3.1) [RT 1681] Removed references to gcc 3.1 Components: CredentialsCache 3.4fc1 KClient 3.3fc1 Kerberos5 1.3.1beta1 KerberosDebug 1.5fc1 KerberosErrors 1.5fc2 KerberosIPC 1.1fc1 KerberosLogin 1.7fc1 KerberosPreferences 1.3fc1 KerberosWrappers 1.4fc1 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.0fc1 July 16, 2003 Export krb5_get_permitted_enctypes & krb5_set_real_time Fixed krb_get_lrealm so it doesn't always return ATHENA.MIT.EDU aklog.loginLogout plugin no longer crashes with stack smash Don't prompt if there is no configuration at all KLL should support an environment variable to supress prompting Icon badging now works when dialog starts out expanded Use AppKit and HIToolbox to determine if process is a GUI app Components: CredentialsCache 3.4fc1 KClient 3.3fc1 Kerberos5 1.3.1beta KerberosDebug 1.5fc1 KerberosErrors 1.5fc1 KerberosIPC 1.1fc1 KerberosLogin 1.7fc1 KerberosPreferences 1.3fc1 KerberosWrappers 1.4fc1 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.0b2 July 3, 2003 Stanford "v4_realm" tag fixed KfM uses CoreGraphics to determine if GUI is available KLChangePassword no longer always indicates that password was rejected Kerberos Authentication dialog badges icon with app icon KfM builds supportsd Xcode's "pbbuild" Changed "passphrase" to "password" Removed leading spaces in #define/#include to support K&R C Fixed English.lprog in KLS Pass CFLAGS and LDFLAGS to krb5 build Components: CredentialsCache 3.4a1 KClient 3.3a2 Kerberos5 1.3b5 KerberosDebug 1.5a1 KerberosErrors 1.5a4 KerberosIPC 1.1a6 KerberosLogin 1.7a9 KerberosPreferences 1.3a1 KerberosWrappers 1.4a1 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.0b1 June 17, 2003 KLVerifyInitialTickets tries the first key in the keytab if no host key No more KLL terminal prompt headers Kerberos Authentication dialog has caps lock key warning Kerberos Login Server no longer crashes when no configuration file KLS application name correct for non-bundled apps KLTicketExpirationTime no longer returns bogus time when no config file Default renew lifetime now reported correctly when no config file KDC_OPT_RENEWABLE_OK handled correctly kadmin now has error code strings KfM has a kvno client Kerberos.app supports automatic renewing of Kerberos tickets Components: CredentialsCache 3.4a1 KClient 3.3a2 Kerberos5 1.3b4 KerberosDebug 1.5a1 KerberosErrors 1.5a4 KerberosIPC 1.1a5 KerberosLogin 1.7a8 KerberosPreferences 1.3a1 KerberosWrappers 1.4a1 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.0a7 June 6, 2003 Specifying nonexistent loginLogout plugin no longer results in a crash KLL frees profiles from krb5_get_profile and krb_get_profile KLL no longer leaks krb5_context when prompting to the terminal KLL lock files no longer leak strings KLL looks up krb5 and krb4 realms in DNS Writable keytab support string_to_key autodetection fixed krb_mk_req_creds no longer frees session key Components: CredentialsCache 3.4a1 KClient 3.3a2 Kerberos5 1.3alpha KerberosDebug 1.5a1 KerberosErrors 1.5a4 KerberosIPC 1.1a5 KerberosLogin 1.7a7 KerberosPreferences 1.3a1 KerberosWrappers 1.4a1 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.0a6 May 21, 2003 KerberosIPC no longer assumes window server is /dev/console (no 10.2 support) Stopped checking TERM because it has too many valid values KLL supports DNS KDC lookups KLL documentation has correct KLRenewInitialTickets prototype Remap KRB5KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_FAILED to better error string Ticket lifetime defaults to 10 hours Login Dialog remembers the state of the options button Kerberos.log created with sane permissions Login-logout plugins now working Components: CredentialsCache 3.4a1 KClient 3.3a1 Kerberos5 1.3alpha KerberosDebug 1.5a1 KerberosErrors 1.5a4 KerberosIPC 1.1a5 KerberosLogin 1.7a6 KerberosPreferences 1.3a1 KerberosWrappers 1.4a1 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.0a5 May 7, 2003 KLL API to block home directory access KLL fixed lock file handling for login Fixed double free in mach_client_lookup_server which broke AppleEvents Components: CredentialsCache 3.4a1 KClient 3.3a1 Kerberos5 1.3alpha KerberosDebug 1.4 KerberosErrors 1.5a4 KerberosIPC 1.1a4 KerberosLogin 1.7a5 KerberosPreferences 1.3a1 KerberosWrappers 1.4a1 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.0a4 May 1, 2003 Installs servers and server man pages Removed all library initializer code Install /usr/include/krb_err.h New C implementations for KerberosIPC, KerberosErrors, and KerberosLogin Redesign of the Kerberos Login Dialog Server names include Security Session Lifetime and renewable life sliders fixed Renewable checkbox fixed error_message() no longer corrupts unknown negative errors Components: CredentialsCache 3.4a1 KClient 3.3a1 Kerberos5 1.3alpha KerberosDebug 1.4 KerberosErrors 1.5a4 KerberosIPC 1.1a3 KerberosLogin 1.7a4 KerberosPreferences 1.3a1 KerberosWrappers 1.4a1 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.0a3 March 20, 2003 KLL uses libdefaults to determine initial values of prefs KLVerifyInitialTicketCredentials no longer fails with RC/IO error Removed old ErrorLib API -- now use error_message() Framework uses Carbon Text Encoding API if possible Build system changes for Apple Components: CredentialsCache 3.4a1 KClient 3.3a1 Kerberos5 1.3alpha KerberosDebug 1.4 KerberosErrors 1.5a3 KerberosIPC 1.1a2 KerberosLogin 1.7a3 KerberosPreferences 1.3a1 KerberosWrappers 1.4a1 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.0a2 March 11, 2003 Updated to December 2002 Developer Tools Added prefix files to speed up compiles Framework now krb5-1.3 based Framework uses DES and krb4 from krb5-1.3 Getting tickets is no longer slow at sites with krb524 port blocked KLS dialogs are no longer minimizable and/or resizable Renewable ticket lifetime now has a preference file entry Addressless ticket option now has preference file entry KLS no longer leaves zombies KLChangePassword doesn't assume result_code_string and result_string are always non-NULL compile_et works on error strings containing the string " end " KLL krb524inits when applicable StLoginOptions checks return value of krb5_init_context KerberosPreferences uses same config paths as krb4/krb5 Components: CredentialsCache 3.4a1 KClient 3.3a1 Kerberos5 1.3pre KerberosDebug 1.4 KerberosErrors 1.5a2 KerberosIPC 1.1a2 KerberosLogin 1.7a2 KerberosPreferences 1.3a1 KerberosWrappers 1.4a1 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 5.0a1 January 14, 2003 Updated build system to use OS jam. Removed most of the framework initializer. Added CCAPI support for kdc timesyncing. Cocoa KeberosLoginServer. KLL verifies tickets with a secure context. Removed KerberosResources because it was unused. Fixed Kerberos4 not copying the service realm. Added UKerberos5SecureContext to KerberosWrappers. LoginSession APIs check ttyname() != NULL. Removed controlling terminal from the Mach IPC service names. Components: CredentialsCache 3.4a1 KClient 3.3a1 Kerberos4 1.4a1 Kerberos5 3.3 KerberosDebug 1.4 KerberosDES 1.2.1 KerberosErrors 1.5a1 KerberosIPC 1.1a1 KerberosLogin 1.7a1 KerberosPreferences 1.2 KerberosWrappers 1.4a1 MoreFiles 1.1.1 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 4.5 June 19, 2002 Moved to final release. Components: CredentialsCache 3.3 KClient 3.2 Kerberos4 1.3 Kerberos5 3.3 KerberosDebug 1.4 KerberosDES 1.2.1 KerberosErrors 1.4 KerberosIPC 1.0 KerberosLogin 1.6 KerberosPreferences 1.2 KerberosResources 1.3 KerberosWrappers 1.3 MoreFiles 1.1.1 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 4.5fc2 June 18, 2002 KerberosLogin warns about clock skew for krb524 tickets. Builds with inlining on in Jaguar. Components: CredentialsCache 3.3fc1 KClient 3.2 Kerberos4 1.3fc1 Kerberos5 3.3fc2 KerberosDebug 1.4fc1 KerberosDES 1.2.1 KerberosErrors 1.4fc1 KerberosIPC 1.0fc1 KerberosLogin 1.6fc2 KerberosPreferences 1.2 KerberosResources 1.3 KerberosWrappers 1.3fc1 MoreFiles 1.1.1 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 4.5fc1 June 17, 2002 KerberosLoginServer doesn't leak icon refs. CCacheServer no longer leaks memory on creds destruction. Components: CredentialsCache 3.3fc1 KClient 3.2 Kerberos4 1.3fc1 Kerberos5 3.3fc1 KerberosDebug 1.4fc1 KerberosDES 1.2.1 KerberosErrors 1.4fc1 KerberosIPC 1.0fc1 KerberosLogin 1.6fc1 KerberosPreferences 1.2 KerberosResources 1.3 KerberosWrappers 1.3fc1 MoreFiles 1.1.1 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 4.5a2 June 14, 2002 KerberosLoginServer fixes to renew and ticket options. CCacheServer no longer quits because of Classic Ticket Sharing bug. Components: CredentialsCache 3.3a2 KClient 3.2 Kerberos4 1.3a1 Kerberos5 3.3a1 KerberosDebug 1.4a1 KerberosDES 1.2.1 KerberosErrors 1.4a1 KerberosIPC 1.0a1 KerberosLogin 1.6a2 KerberosPreferences 1.2 KerberosResources 1.3 KerberosWrappers 1.3a1 MoreFiles 1.1.1 ======================================================================== Kerberos.framework 4.5a2 June 10, 2002 First Jaguar Release (new KfM repository) Components: CredentialsCache 3.3a1 KClient 3.2 Kerberos4 1.3a1 Kerberos5 3.3a1 KerberosDebug 1.4a1 KerberosDES 1.2.1 KerberosErrors 1.4a1 KerberosIPC 1.0a1 KerberosLogin 1.6a1 KerberosPreferences 1.2 KerberosResources 1.3 KerberosWrappers 1.3a1 MoreFiles 1.1.1 Non-component bugs fixed in this release: [BZ 711] Doesn't work on volumes with hibit chars in name [BZ 712] Kerberos.framework is an umbrella framework [BZ 713] KerberosConditionalMacros.h is a public header file [BZ 751] Library initializer should not call add_error_table [BZ 753] Kerberos.framework crashes when edu.mit.Kerberos is missing [BZ 754] Kerberos.framework autogenerates an edu.mit.Kerberos [BZ 762] Kerberos.framework version number should be bumped Kerberos5 bugs not tracked by Krb5 Team (will be fixed when bug systems merge): [BZ 746] krb5 should use POSIX paths and APIs for edu.mit.Kerberos [BZ 759] Kerberos 4 tickets obtained with krb524 have no IP addresses [BZ 767] Profile sharing is totally broken on X ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 4.1.1 Apr 26, 2001 Fix bogus event kind dialog that comes up in login dialog when running Word/Excel Parts: CCacheLib 3.2 from tag CCacheLib_3_2 DESLib 1.2.1 from tag DESLib_1_2_1 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.2 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_2 Kerberos4Lib 1.2 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_2 KerberosManagerLib 1.2 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_2 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.5.1 from tag LoginLib_1_5_1 PreferencesLib 1.2 from tag PreferencesLib_1_2 TicketKeeperLib 2.1 from tag TicketKeeperLib_2_1 WrappersLib 1.2 from tag WrappersLib_1_2 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib 3.2 from tag KClient_3_2 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 4.1 Feb 19, 2001 Bug fixes for 4.0, further Mac OS X work Parts: CCacheLib 3.2 from tag CCacheLib_3_2 DESLib 1.2.1 from tag DESLib_1_2_1 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.2 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_2 Kerberos4Lib 1.2 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_2 KerberosManagerLib 1.2 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_2 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.5 from tag LoginLib_1_5 PreferencesLib 1.2 from tag PreferencesLib_1_2 TicketKeeperLib 2.1 from tag TicketKeeperLib_2_1 WrappersLib 1.2 from tag WrappersLib_1_2 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib 3.2 from tag KClient_3_2 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 4.1fc3 February 18, 2001 Parts: CCacheLib 3.2fc3 from tag CCacheLib_3_2fc3 DESLib 1.2.1fc1 from tag DESLib_1_2_1fc1 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.2fc2 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_2fc2 Kerberos4Lib 1.2fc2 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_2fc2 KerberosManagerLib 1.2fc1 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_2fc1 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.5fc3 from tag LoginLib_1_5fc3 PreferencesLib 1.2fc1 from tag PreferencesLib_1_2fc1 TicketKeeperLib 2.1fc1 from tag TicketKeeperLib_2_1fc1 WrappersLib 1.2fc1 from tag WrappersLib_1_2fc1 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib 3.2fc2 from tag KClient_3_2fc2 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 4.1fc2 February 14, 2001 Parts: CCacheLib 3.2fc2 from tag CCacheLib_3_2fc2 DESLib 1.2.1fc1 from tag DESLib_1_2_1fc1 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.2fc2 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_2fc2 Kerberos4Lib 1.2fc2 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_2fc2 KerberosManagerLib 1.2fc1 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_2fc1 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.5fc2 from tag LoginLib_1_5fc2 PreferencesLib 1.2fc1 from tag PreferencesLib_1_2fc1 TicketKeeperLib 2.1fc1 from tag TicketKeeperLib_2_1fc1 WrappersLib 1.2fc1 from tag WrappersLib_1_2fc1 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib 3.2fc2 from tag KClient_3_2fc2 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 4.1fc1 February 7, 2001 Parts: CCacheLib 3.2fc1 from tag CCacheLib_3_2fc1 DESLib 1.2.1fc1 from tag DESLib_1_2_1fc1 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.2fc1 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_2fc1 Kerberos4Lib 1.2fc1 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_2fc1 KerberosManagerLib 1.2fc1 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_2fc1 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.5fc1 from tag LoginLib_1_5fc1 PreferencesLib 1.2fc1 from tag PreferencesLib_1_2fc1 TicketKeeperLib 2.1fc1 from tag TicketKeeperLib_2_1fc1 WrappersLib 1.2fc1 from tag WrappersLib_1_2fc1 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib 3.2fc1 from tag KClient_3_2fc1 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 4.1b8 January 31, 2001 Parts: CCacheLib 3.2b5 from tag CCacheLib_3_2b5 DESLib 1.2.1b3 from tag DESLib_1_2_1b3 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.2b8 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_2b8 Kerberos4Lib 1.2b5 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_2b5 KerberosManagerLib 1.2b3 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_2b3 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.5b9 from tag LoginLib_1_5b9 PreferencesLib 1.2b3 from tag PreferencesLib_1_2b3 TicketKeeperLib 2.1b1 from tag TicketKeeperLib_2_1b1 WrappersLib 1.2b4 from tag WrappersLib_1_2b4 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib 3.2b6 from tag KClient_3_2b6 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 4.1b7 January 14, 2001 Parts: CCacheLib 3.2b4 from tag CCacheLib_3_2b4 DESLib 1.2.1b3 from tag DESLib_1_2_1b3 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.2b7 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_2b7 Kerberos4Lib 1.2b4 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_2b4 KerberosManagerLib 1.2b3 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_2b3 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.5b8 from tag LoginLib_1_5b8 PreferencesLib 1.2b3 from tag PreferencesLib_1_2b3 TicketKeeperLib 2.1b1 from tag TicketKeeperLib_2_1b1 WrappersLib 1.2b4 from tag WrappersLib_1_2b4 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib 3.2b6 from tag KClient_3_2b6 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 4.1b6 Dec 19, 2001 Parts: CCacheLib 3.2b3 from tag CCacheLib_3_2b3 DESLib 1.2.1b3 from tag DESLib_1_2_1b3 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.2b6 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_2b6 Kerberos4Lib 1.2b4 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_2b4 KerberosManagerLib 1.2b3 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_2b3 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.5b7 from tag LoginLib_1_5b7 PreferencesLib 1.2b3 from tag PreferencesLib_1_2b3 TicketKeeperLib 2.1b1 from tag TicketKeeperLib_2_1b1 WrappersLib 1.2b4 from tag WrappersLib_1_2b4 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib 3.2b5 from tag KClient_3_2b5 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 4.1b5 Dec 18, 2001 Parts: CCacheLib 3.2b3 from tag CCacheLib_3_2b3 DESLib 1.2.1b3 from tag DESLib_1_2_1b3 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.2b5 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_2b5 Kerberos4Lib 1.2b4 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_2b4 KerberosManagerLib 1.2b3 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_2b3 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.5b5 from tag LoginLib_1_5b5 PreferencesLib 1.2b3 from tag PreferencesLib_1_2b3 TicketKeeperLib 2.1b1 from tag TicketKeeperLib_2_1b1 WrappersLib 1.2b4 from tag WrappersLib_1_2b4 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib 3.2b5 from tag KClient_3_2b5 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 4.1b4 Dec 13, 2001 Parts: CCacheLib 3.2b3 from tag CCacheLib_3_2b3 DESLib 1.2.1b3 from tag DESLib_1_2_1b3 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.2b5 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_2b5 Kerberos4Lib 1.2b4 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_2b4 KerberosManagerLib 1.2b3 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_2b3 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.5b4 from tag LoginLib_1_5b4 PreferencesLib 1.2b3 from tag PreferencesLib_1_2b3 TicketKeeperLib 2.1b1 from tag TicketKeeperLib_2_1b1 WrappersLib 1.2b4 from tag WrappersLib_1_2b4 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib 3.2b4 from tag KClient_3_2b4 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 4.1b3 Dec 3, 2001 Parts: CCacheLib 3.2b2 from tag CCacheLib_3_2b2 DESLib 1.2.1b2 from tag DESLib_1_2_1b2 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.2b4 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_2b4 Kerberos4Lib 1.2b3 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_2b3 KerberosManagerLib 1.2b2 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_2b2 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.5b3 from tag LoginLib_1_5b3 PreferencesLib 1.2b2 from tag PreferencesLib_1_2b2 TicketKeeperLib 2.1b1 from tag TicketKeeperLib_2_1b1 WrappersLib 1.2b3 from tag WrappersLib_1_2b3 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib 3.2b3 from tag KClient_3_2b3 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 4.1b2 Nov 20, 2001 Parts: CCacheLib 3.2b1 from tag CCacheLib_3_2b1 DESLib 1.2.1b1 from tag DESLib_1_2_1b1 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.2b3 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_2b3 Kerberos4Lib 1.2b2 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_2b2 KerberosManagerLib 1.2b1 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_2b1 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.5b2 from tag LoginLib_1_5b2 PreferencesLib 1.2b1 from tag PreferencesLib_1_2b1 TicketKeeperLib 2.1b1 from tag TicketKeeperLib_2_1b1 WrappersLib 1.2b2 from tag WrappersLib_1_2b2 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib 3.2b2 from tag KClient_3_2b2 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 4.1b1 Nov 15, 2001 Parts: CCacheLib 3.2b2 from tag CCacheLib_3_2b2 DESLib 1.2.1b1 from tag DESLib_1_2_1b1 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.2b2 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_2b2 Kerberos4Lib 1.2b2 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_2b2 KerberosManagerLib 1.2b1 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_2b1 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.5b3 from tag LoginLib_1_5b3 PreferencesLib 1.2b1 from tag PreferencesLib_1_2b1 TicketKeeperLib 2.1b1 from tag TicketKeeperLib_2_1b1 WrappersLib 1.2b2 from tag WrappersLib_1_2b2 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib 3.2b2 from tag KClient_3_2b2 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 4.1a3 Nov 7, 2001 Parts: CCacheLib 3.2b1 from tag CCacheLib_3_2b1 DESLib 1.2.1b1 from tag DESLib_1_2_1b1 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.2b1 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_2b1 Kerberos4Lib 1.2b1 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_2b1 KerberosManagerLib 1.1 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_1 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.5b1 from tag LoginLib_1_5b1 PreferencesLib 1.2b1 from tag PreferencesLib_1_2b1 TicketKeeperLib 2.1b1 from tag TicketKeeperLib_2_1b1 WrappersLib 1.2b1 from tag WrappersLib_1_2b1 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib 3.2b1 from tag KClient_3_2b1 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 4.1a2 Sep 27, 2001 Parts: CCacheLib 3.2a2 from tag CCacheLib_3_2a2 DESLib 1.2.1a1 from tag DESLib_1_2_1a1 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.2a2 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_2a2 Kerberos4Lib 1.2a2 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_2a2 KerberosManagerLib 1.2b1 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_2b1 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.5a2 from tag LoginLib_1_5a2 PreferencesLib 1.2a2 from tag PreferencesLib_1_2a2 TicketKeeperLib 2.1a1 from tag TicketKeeperLib_2_1a1 WrappersLib 1.2a2 from tag WrappersLib_1_2a2 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib 3.2a1 from tag KClient_3_2a1 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 4.1a1 Aug 7, 2001 Parts: CCacheLib 3.2a1 from tag CCacheLib_3_2a1 DESLib 1.2 from tag DESLib_1_2 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.2a1 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_2a1 Kerberos4Lib 1.2a1 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_2a1 KerberosManagerLib 1.1 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_1 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.5a1 from tag LoginLib_1_5a1 PreferencesLib 1.2a1 from tag PreferencesLib_1_2a1 TicketKeeperLib 2.1a1 from tag TicketKeeperLib_2_1a1 WrappersLib 1.2a1 from tag WrappersLib_1_2a1 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib 3.2a1 from tag KClient_3_2a1 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 4.0 June 25, 2001 Parts: CCacheLib 3.1 from tag CCacheLib_3_1 DESLib 1.2 from tag DESLib_1_2 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.1 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_1 Kerberos4Lib 1.1 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_1 KerberosManagerLib 1.1 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_1 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.4 from tag LoginLib_1_4 PreferencesLib 1.1 from tag PreferencesLib_1_1 TicketKeeperLib 2.0 from tag TicketKeeperLib_2_0 WrappersLib 1.1 from tag WrappersLib_1_1 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib 3.1 from tag KClient_3_1 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 4.0fc2 June 18, 2001 Parts: CCacheLib 3.1fc1 from tag CCacheLib_3_1fc1 DESLib 1.2fc1 from tag DESLib_1_2fc1 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.1fc1 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_1fc1 Kerberos4Lib 1.1fc1 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_1fc1 KerberosManagerLib 1.1fc1 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_1fc1 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.4fc1 from tag LoginLib_1_4fc1 PreferencesLib 1.1fc1 from tag PreferencesLib_1_1fc1 TicketKeeperLib 2.0fc2 from tag TicketKeeperLib_2_0fc2 WrappersLib 1.1fc1 from tag WrappersLib_1_1fc1 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib 3.1fc1 from tag KClient_3_1fc1 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 4.0fc1 June 13, 2001 Parts: CCacheLib 3.1fc1 from tag CCacheLib_3_1fc1 DESLib 1.2fc1 from tag DESLib_1_2fc1 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.1fc1 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_1fc1 Kerberos4Lib 1.1fc1 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_1fc1 KerberosManagerLib 1.1fc1 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_1fc1 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.4fc1 from tag LoginLib_1_4fc1 PreferencesLib 1.1fc1 from tag PreferencesLib_1_1fc1 TicketKeeperLib 2.0fc1 from tag TicketKeeperLib_2_0fc1 WrappersLib 1.1fc1 from tag WrappersLib_1_1fc1 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib 3.1fc1 from tag KClient_3_1fc1 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 4.0b2 April 30, 2001 Parts: CCacheLib 3.1b2 from tag CCacheLib_3_1b2 DESLib 1.2b2 from tag DESLib_1_2b2 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.1b2 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_1b2 Kerberos4Lib 1.1b2 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_1b2 KerberosManagerLib 1.1b1 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_1b1 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.4b2 from tag LoginLib_1_4b2 PreferencesLib 1.1b2 from tag PreferencesLib_1_1b2 TicketKeeperLib 2.0b1 from tag TicketKeeperLib_2_0b1 WrappersLib 1.1b1 from tag WrappersLib_1_1b1 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib 3.1b2 from tag KClient_3_1b2 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 4.0b1 April 2, 2001 Parts: CCacheLib 3.1b1 from tag CCacheLib_3_1b1 DESLib 1.2b1 from tag DESLib_1_2b1 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.1b1 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_1b1 Kerberos4Lib 1.1b1 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_1b1 KerberosManagerLib 1.1b1 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_1b1 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.4b1 from tag LoginLib_1_4b1 PreferencesLib 1.1b1 from tag PreferencesLib_1_1b1 TicketKeeperLib 2.0b1 from tag TicketKeeperLib_2_0b1 WrappersLib 1.1b1 from tag WrappersLib_1_1b1 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib 3.1b1 from tag KClient_3_1b1 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 4.0a10 March 21, 2001 Parts: CCacheLib 3.1a7 from tag CCacheLib_3_1a7 DESLib 1.2a3 from tag DESLib_1_2a3 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.1a4 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_1a4 Kerberos4Lib 1.1a4 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_1a4 KerberosManagerLib 1.1a4 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_1a4 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.4a7 from tag LoginLib_1_4a7 PreferencesLib 1.1a3 from tag PreferencesLib_1_1a3 TicketKeeperLib 2.0a3 from tag TicketKeeperLib_2_0a3 WrappersLib 1.1a4 from tag WrappersLib_1_1a4 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib 3.1a4 from tag KClient_3_1a4 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 4.0a9 March 16, 2001 Parts: CCacheLib 3.1a6 from tag CCacheLib_3_1a6 DESLib 1.2a2 from tag DESLib_1_2a2 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.1a3 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_1a3 Kerberos4Lib 1.1a3 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_1a3 KerberosManagerLib 1.1a3 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_1a3 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.4a6 from tag LoginLib_1_4a6 PreferencesLib 1.1a2 from tag PreferencesLib_1_1a2 TicketKeeperLib 2.0a2 from tag TicketKeeperLib_2_0a2 WrappersLib 1.1a3 from tag WrappersLib_1_1a3 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib 3.1a3 from tag KClient_3_1a3 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 4.0a8 MIT Kerberos Library 4.0a7 Skipped ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 4.0a6 February 7, 2001 Parts: CCacheLib 3.1a5 from tag CCacheLib_3_1a5 DESLib 1.2a1 from tag DESLib_1_2a1 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.1a2 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_1a2 Kerberos4Lib 1.1a2 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_1a2 KerberosManagerLib 1.1a2 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_1a2 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.4a5 from tag LoginLib_1_4a5 PreferencesLib 1.1a1 from tag PreferencesLib_1_1a1 TicketKeeperLib 2.0a1 from tag TicketKeeperLib_2_0a1 WrappersLib 1.1a2 from tag WrappersLib_1_1a2 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib 3.1a2 from tag KClient_3_1a2 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 4.0a5 February 1, 2001 Parts: CCacheLib 3.1a5 from tag CCacheLib_3_1a5 DESLib 1.2a1 from tag DESLib_1_2a1 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.1a2 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_1a2 Kerberos4Lib 1.1a2 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_1a2 KerberosManagerLib 1.1a2 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_1a2 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.4a5 from tag LoginLib_1_4a5 PreferencesLib 1.1a1 from tag PreferencesLib_1_1a1 TicketKeeperLib 2.0a1 from tag TicketKeeperLib_2_0a1 WrappersLib 1.1a2 from tag WrappersLib_1_1a2 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib 3.1a2 from tag KClient_3_1a2 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 4.0a4 December 14, 2000 Parts: CCacheLib 3.1a4 from tag CCacheLib_3_1a4 DESLib 1.2a1 from tag DESLib_1_2a1 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.1a1 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_1a1 Kerberos4Lib 1.1a1 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_1a1 KerberosManagerLib 1.1a1 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_1a1 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.4a4 from tag LoginLib_1_4a4 PreferencesLib 1.1a1 from tag PreferencesLib_1_1a1 TicketKeeperLib 2.0a1 from tag TicketKeeperLib_2_0a1 WrappersLib 1.1a1 from tag WrappersLib_1_1a1 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib 3.1a1 from tag KClient_3_1a1 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 4.0a3 December 14, 2000 Parts: CCacheLib 3.1a3 from tag CCacheLib_3_1a3 DESLib 1.2a1 from tag DESLib_1_2a1 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.1a1 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_1a1 Kerberos4Lib 1.1a1 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_1a1 KerberosManagerLib 1.1a1 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_1a1 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.4a3 from tag LoginLib_1_4a3 PreferencesLib 1.1a1 from tag PreferencesLib_1_1a1 TicketKeeperLib 2.0a1 from tag TicketKeeperLib_2_0a1 WrappersLib 1.1a1 from tag WrappersLib_1_1a1 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib 3.1a1 from tag KClient_3_1a1 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 4.0a2 December 14, 2000 Parts: CCacheLib 3.1a2 from tag CCacheLib_3_1a2 DESLib 1.2a1 from tag DESLib_1_2a1 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.1a1 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_1a1 Kerberos4Lib 1.1a1 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_1a1 KerberosManagerLib 1.1a1 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_1a1 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.4a2 from tag LoginLib_1_4a2 PreferencesLib 1.1a1 from tag PreferencesLib_1_1a1 TicketKeeperLib 2.0a1 from tag TicketKeeperLib_2_0a1 WrappersLib 1.1a1 from tag WrappersLib_1_1a1 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib 3.1a1 from tag KClient_3_1a1 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 4.0a1 December 9, 2000 Parts: CCacheLib 3.1a1 from tag CCacheLib_3_1a1 DESLib 1.2a1 from tag DESLib_1_2a1 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.1a1 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_1a1 Kerberos4Lib 1.1a1 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_1a1 KerberosManagerLib 1.1a1 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_1a1 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.4a1 from tag LoginLib_1_4a1 PreferencesLib 1.1a1 from tag PreferencesLib_1_1a1 TicketKeeperLib 2.0a1 from tag TicketKeeperLib_2_0a1 WrappersLib 1.1a1 from tag WrappersLib_1_1a1 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib 3.1a1 from tag KClient_3_1a1 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 4.0d8 November 30, 2000 Long v4 lifetime support Mach-O Dylibs Parts: CCacheLib 3.1d7 from tag CCacheLib_3_1d7 DESLib 1.2d4 from tag DESLib_1_2d4 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.1d6 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_1d6 Kerberos4Lib 1.1d6 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_1d6 KerberosManagerLib 1.1d4 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_1d4 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.4d6 from tag LoginLib_1_4d6 PreferencesLib 1.1d4 from tag PreferencesLib_1_1d4 TicketKeeperLib 2.0d4 from tag TicketKeeperLib_2_0_d4 WrappersLib 1.1d5 from tag WrappersLib_1_1d5 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib 3.1d6 from tag KClient_3_1d6 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 4.0d7 November 3, 2000 First Mach-O release Parts: CCacheLib 3.1d6 from tag CCacheLib_3_1d6 DESLib 1.2d3 from tag DESLib_1_2d3 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.1d5 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_1d5 Kerberos4Lib 1.1d5 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_1d5 KerberosManagerLib 1.1d4 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_1d4 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.4d5 from tag LoginLib_1_4d5 PreferencesLib 1.1d4 from tag PreferencesLib_1_1d4 TicketKeeperLib 2.0d3 from tag TicketKeeperLib_2_0_d3 WrappersLib 1.1d4 from tag WrappersLib_1_1d4 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib 3.1d6 from tag KClient_3_1d6 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 4.0d6 October 30, 2000 First Mach-O release Parts: CCacheLib 3.1d5 from tag CCacheLib_3_1d5 DESLib 1.2d3 from tag DESLib_1_2d3 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.1d5 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_1d5 Kerberos4Lib 1.1d5 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_1d5 KerberosManagerLib 1.1d4 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_1d4 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.4d4 from tag LoginLib_1_4d4 PreferencesLib 1.1d4 from tag PreferencesLib_1_1d4 TicketKeeperLib 2.0d3 from tag TicketKeeperLib_2_0_d3 WrappersLib 1.1d4 from tag WrappersLib_1_1d4 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib 3.1d6 from tag KClient_3_1d6 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 4.0d5 October 27, 2000 First Mach-O release Parts: CCacheLib 3.1d4 from tag CCacheLib_3_1d4 DESLib 1.2d3 from tag DESLib_1_2d3 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.1d4 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_1d4 Kerberos4Lib 1.1d4 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_1d4 KerberosManagerLib 1.1d4 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_1d4 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.4d4 from tag LoginLib_1_4d4 PreferencesLib 1.1d4 from tag PreferencesLib_1_1d4 TicketKeeperLib 2.0d3 from tag TicketKeeperLib_2_0_d3 WrappersLib 1.1d4 from tag WrappersLib_1_1d4 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib 3.1d5 from tag KClient_3_1d5 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 4.0d4 October 16, 2000 Carbon and CWP 6 Parts: CCacheLib 3.1d3 from tag CCacheLib_3_1d3 DESLib 1.2d2 from tag DESLib_1_2d2 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.1d3 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_1d3 Kerberos4Lib 1.1d3 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_1d3 KerberosManagerLib 1.1d3 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_1d3 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.4d3 from tag LoginLib_1_4d3 PreferencesLib 1.1d3 from tag PreferencesLib_1_1d3 TicketKeeperLib 2.0d2 from tag TicketKeeperLib_2_0_d2 WrappersLib 1.1d3 from tag WrappersLib_1_1d3 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib 3.1d4 from tag KClient_3_1d4 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 4.0d3 October 4, 2000 Carbon and CWP 6 Parts: CCacheLib 3.1d2 from tag CCacheLib_3_1d2 DESLib 1.2d2 from tag DESLib_1_2d2 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.1d2 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_1d2 Kerberos4Lib 1.1d2 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_1d2 KerberosManagerLib 1.1d2 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_1d2 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.3d2 from tag LoginLib_1_3d2 PreferencesLib 1.1d2 from tag PreferencesLib_1_1d2 TicketKeeperLib 1.1d2 from tag TicketKeeperLib_1_1d2 WrappersLib 1.1d3 from tag WrappersLib_1_1d3 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib 3.1d3 from tag KClient_3_1d3 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 4.0d2 September 28, 2000 Carbon and CWP 6 Parts: CCacheLib 3.1d2 from tag CCacheLib_3_1d2 DESLib 1.2d2 from tag DESLib_1_2d2 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.1d2 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_1d2 Kerberos4Lib 1.1d2 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_1d2 KerberosManagerLib 1.1d2 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_1d2 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.3d2 from tag LoginLib_1_3d2 PreferencesLib 1.1d2 from tag PreferencesLib_1_1d2 TicketKeeperLib 1.1d2 from tag TicketKeeperLib_1_1d2 WrappersLib 1.1d2 from tag WrappersLib_1_1d2 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib 3.1d2 from tag KClient_3_1d2 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 4.0d1 September 26, 2000 Carbon and CWP 6 Parts: CCacheLib 3.1d1 from tag CCacheLib_3_1d1 DESLib 1.2d1 from tag DESLib_1_2d1 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.1d1 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_1d1 Kerberos4Lib 1.1d1 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_1d1 KerberosManagerLib 1.1d1 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_1d1 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.3d1 from tag LoginLib_1_3d1 PreferencesLib 1.1d1 from tag PreferencesLib_1_1d1 TicketKeeperLib 1.1d1 from tag TicketKeeperLib_1_1d1 WrappersLib 1.1d1 from tag WrappersLib_1_1d1 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib 3.1d1 from tag KClient_3_1d1 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 3.1 Originally, 3.1 and 4.0 were to be done in parallel. 3.1 was supposed to be a bug fix and UI addition release for 3.0. It was decided on October 4 2000 that we do not have enough resources to maintain two major releases (3.1 and 4.0) simultaneously. Therefore, all changes from 3.1 will be folded into 4.0, and a minor fix release to 3.0 will be released without the UI additions; the UI additions will only be released in 4.0. ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 3.1d1 September 1, 2000 Parts: CCacheLib 3.0 from tag CCacheLib_3_0 DESLib 1.1 from tag DESLib_1_1 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.0 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_0 Kerberos4Lib 1.0 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_0 KerberosManagerLib 1.0.1 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_0_1 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.3d1 from tag LoginLib_1_3d1 PreferencesLib 1.0 from tag PreferencesLib_1_0 TicketKeeperLib 2.0d1 from tag TicketKeeperLib_2_0d1 WrappersLib 1.0 from tag WrappersLib_1_0 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib, KClientLocatorLib 3.0 from tag KClient_3_0 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 3.0 June 30, 2000 Unified Kerberos v4/v5 Parts: CCacheLib 3.0 from tag CCacheLib_3_0 DESLib 1.1 from tag DESLib_1_1 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.0 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_0 Kerberos4Lib 1.0 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_0 KerberosManagerLib 1.0.1 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_0_1 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.2 from tag LoginLib_1_2 PreferencesLib 1.0 from tag PreferencesLib_1_0 TicketKeeperLib 1.0.1 from tag TicketKeeperLib_1_0_1 WrappersLib 1.0 from tag WrappersLib_1_0 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib, KClientLocatorLib 3.0 from tag KClient_3_0 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 3.0fc4 June 28, 2000 Parts: CCacheLib 3.0fc2 from tag CCacheLib_3_0fc2 DESLib 1.1fc2 from tag DESLib_1_1fc2 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.0fc2 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_0fc2 Kerberos4Lib 1.0fc2 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_0fc2 KerberosManagerLib 1.0.1fc2 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_0_1fc2 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.2fc3 from tag LoginLib_1_2fc3 PreferencesLib 1.0fc2 from tag PreferencesLib_1_0fc2 TicketKeeperLib 1.0.1fc2 from tag TicketKeeperLib_1_0_1fc2 WrappersLib 1.0fc3 from tag WrappersLib_1_0fc3 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib, KClientLocatorLib 3.0fc3 from tag KClient_3_0fc3 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 3.0fc3 June 20, 2000 Parts: CCacheLib 3.0fc1 from tag CCacheLib_3_0fc1 DESLib 1.1fc1 from tag DESLib_1_1fc1 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.0fc1 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_0fc1 Kerberos4Lib 1.0fc1 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_0fc1 KerberosManagerLib 1.0.1fc1 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_0_1fc1 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.2fc2 from tag LoginLib_1_2fc2 PreferencesLib 1.0fc1 from tag PreferencesLib_1_0fc1 TicketKeeperLib 1.0.1fc1 from tag TicketKeeperLib_1_0_1fc1 WrappersLib 1.0fc2 from tag WrappersLib_1_0fc2 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib, KClientLocatorLib 3.0fc2 from tag KClient_3_0fc2 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 3.0fc2 June 19, 2000 Parts: CCacheLib 3.0fc1 from tag CCacheLib_3_0fc1 DESLib 1.1fc1 from tag DESLib_1_1fc1 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.0fc1 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_0fc1 Kerberos4Lib 1.0fc1 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_0fc1 KerberosManagerLib 1.0.1fc1 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_0_1fc1 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.2fc2 from tag LoginLib_1_2fc2 PreferencesLib 1.0fc1 from tag PreferencesLib_1_0fc1 TicketKeeperLib 1.0.1fc1 from tag TicketKeeperLib_1_0_1fc1 WrappersLib 1.0fc1 from tag WrappersLib_1_0fc1 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib, KClientLocatorLib 3.0b2 from tag KClient_3_0fc1 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 3.0fc1 June 16, 2000 Parts: CCacheLib 3.0fc1 from tag CCacheLib_3_0fc1 DESLib 1.1fc1 from tag DESLib_1_1fc1 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.0fc1 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_0fc1 Kerberos4Lib 1.0fc1 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_0fc1 KerberosManagerLib 1.0.1fc1 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_0_1fc1 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.2fc1 from tag LoginLib_1_2fc1 PreferencesLib 1.0fc1 from tag PreferencesLib_1_0fc1 TicketKeeperLib 1.0.1fc1 from tag TicketKeeperLib_1_0_1fc1 WrappersLib 1.0fc1 from tag WrappersLib_1_0fc1 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib, KClientLocatorLib 3.0b2 from tag KClient_3_0fc1 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 3.0b3 June 14, 2000 Parts: CCacheLib 3.0b3 from tag CCacheLib_3_0b3 DESLib 1.1b1 from tag DESLib_1_1b1 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.0b2 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_0b2 Kerberos4Lib 1.0b3 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_0b3 KerberosManagerLib 1.0.1b1 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_0_1b1 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.2b2 from tag LoginLib_1_2b2 PreferencesLib 1.0b3 from tag PreferencesLib_1_0b3 TicketKeeperLib 1.0.1b1 from tag TicketKeeperLib_1_0_1b1 WrappersLib 1.0b2 from tag WrappersLib_1_0b2 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib, KClientLocatorLib 3.0b2 from tag KClient_3_0b2 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 3.0b2 June 13, 2000 Parts: CCacheLib 3.0b2 from tag CCacheLib_3_0b2 DESLib 1.1b1 from tag DESLib_1_1b1 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.0b1 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_0b1 Kerberos4Lib 1.0b2 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_0b2 KerberosManagerLib 1.0.1b1 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_0_1b1 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.2b2 from tag LoginLib_1_2b2 PreferencesLib 1.0b2 from tag PreferencesLib_1_0b2 TicketKeeperLib 1.0.1b1 from tag TicketKeeperLib_1_0_1b1 WrappersLib 1.0b1 from tag WrappersLib_1_0b1 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib, KClientLocatorLib 3.0b1 from tag KClient_3_0b1 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 3.0b1 June 10, 2000 Parts: CCacheLib 3.0b1 from tag CCacheLib_3_0b1 DESLib 1.1b1 from tag DESLib_1_1b1 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.0b1 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_0b1 Kerberos4Lib 1.0b1 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_0b1 KerberosManagerLib 1.0.1b1 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_0_1b1 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.2b1 from tag LoginLib_1_2b1 PreferencesLib 1.0b1 from tag PreferencesLib_1_0b1 TicketKeeperLib 1.0.1b1 from tag TicketKeeperLib_1_0_1b1 WrappersLib 1.0b1 from tag WrappersLib_1_0b1 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib, KClientLocatorLib 3.0b1 from tag KClient_3_0b1 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 3.0a3 June 3, 2000 Parts: CCacheLib 3.0b1 from tag CCacheLib_3_0b1 DESLib 1.1a2 from tag DESLib_1_1a2 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.0a2 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_0a2 Kerberos4Lib 1.0b1 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_0b1 KerberosManagerLib 1.0.1a2 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_0_1a2 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.2a2 from tag LoginLib_1_2a2 PreferencesLib 1.0a2 from tag PreferencesLib_1_0a2 TicketKeeperLib 1.0.1a2 from tag TicketKeeperLib_1_0_1a2 WrappersLib 1.0b1 from tag WrappersLib_1_0b1 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib, KClientLocatorLib 3.0a2 from tag KClient_3_0a2 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 3.0a2 May 25, 2000 Parts: CCacheLib 3.0a2 from tag CCacheLib_3_0a2 DESLib 1.1a2 from tag DESLib_1_1a2 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.0a1 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_0a1 Kerberos4Lib 1.0a2 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_0a2 KerberosManagerLib 1.0.1a2 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_0_1a2 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.2a1 from tag LoginLib_1_2a1 PreferencesLib 1.0a1 from tag PreferencesLib_1_0a1 TicketKeeperLib 1.0.1a2 from tag TicketKeeperLib_1_0_1a2 WrappersLib 1.0a1 from tag WrappersLib_1_0a1 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib, KClientLocatorLib 3.0a1 from tag KClient_3_0a1 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 3.0a1 May 22, 2000 Parts: CCacheLib 3.0a1 from tag CCacheLib_3_0a1 DESLib 1.1a2 from tag DESLib_1_1a2 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.0a1 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_0a1 Kerberos4Lib 1.0a2 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_0a2 KerberosManagerLib 1.0.1a2 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_0_1a2 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.2a1 from tag LoginLib_1_2a1 PreferencesLib 1.0a1 from tag PreferencesLib_1_0a1 TicketKeeperLib 1.0.1a2 from tag TicketKeeperLib_1_0_1a2 WrappersLib 1.0a1 from tag WrappersLib_1_0a1 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib, KClientLocatorLib 3.0a1 from tag KClient_3_0a1 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 3.0d9 May 6, 2000 Parts: CCacheLib 3.0d7 from tag CCacheLib_3_0d7 DESLib 1.1a1 from tag DESLib_1_1a1 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.0d8 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_0d8 Kerberos4Lib 1.0a1 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_0a1 KerberosManagerLib 1.0.1a2 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_0_1a2 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.2d8 from tag LoginLib_1_2d8 TicketKeeperLib 1.0.1a2 from tag TicketKeeperLib_1_0_1a2 WrappersLib 1.0d8 from tag WrappersLib_1_0d8 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib, KClientLocatorLib 3.0d7 from tag KClient_3_0d7 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 3.0d8 April 29, 2000 Parts: CCacheLib 3.0d6 from tag CCacheLib_3_0d6 DESLib 1.1d3 from tag DESLib_1_1d3 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.0d7 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_0d7 Kerberos4Lib 1.0d7 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_0d7 KerberosManagerLib 1.0.1a1 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_0_1a1 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.2d7 from tag LoginLib_1_2d7 TicketKeeperLib 1.0.1a1 from tag TicketKeeperLib_1_0_1a1 WrappersLib 1.0d7 from tag WrappersLib_1_0d7 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib, KClientLocatorLib 3.0d6 from tag KClient_3_0d6 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 3.0d7 April 20, 2000 Parts: CCacheLib 3.0d5 from tag CCacheLib_3_0d5 DESLib 1.1d2 from tag DESLib_1_1d2 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.0d6 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_0d6 Kerberos4Lib 1.0d6 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_0d6 KerberosManagerLib 1.0.1a1 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_0_1a1 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.2d6 from tag LoginLib_1_2d6 TicketKeeperLib 1.0.1a1 from tag TicketKeeperLib_1_0_1a1 WrappersLib 1.0d6 from tag WrappersLib_1_0d6 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib, KClientLocatorLib 3.0d5 from tag KClient_3_0d5 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 3.0d6 April 9, 2000 Parts: CCacheLib 3.0d4 from tag CCacheLib_3_0d4 DESLib 1.1d2 from tag DESLib_1_1d2 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.0d5 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_0d5 Kerberos4Lib 1.0d5 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_0d5 KerberosManagerLib 1.0.1a1 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_0_1a1 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.2d5 from tag LoginLib_1_2d5 TicketKeeperLib 1.0.1a1 from tag TicketKeeperLib_1_0_1a1 WrappersLib 1.0d6 from tag WrappersLib_1_0d6 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib, KClientLocatorLib 3.0d5 from tag KClient_3_0d5 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 3.0d5 March 24, 2000 Parts: CCacheLib 3.0d3 from tag CCacheLib_3_0d3 DESLib 1.1d2 from tag DESLib_1_1d2 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.0d4 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_0d4 Kerberos4Lib 1.0d5 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_0d5 KerberosManagerLib 1.0.1a1 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_0_1a1 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.2d4 from tag LoginLib_1_2d4 TicketKeeperLib 1.0.1a1 from tag TicketKeeperLib_1_0_1a1 WrappersLib 1.0d5 from tag WrappersLib_1_0d5 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib, KClientLocatorLib 3.0d4 from tag KClient_3_0d4 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 3.0d4 March 13, 2000 Parts: CCacheLib 3.0d3 from tag CCacheLib_3_0d3 DESLib 1.1d2 from tag DESLib_1_1d2 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.0d3 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_0d3 Kerberos4Lib 1.0d4 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_0d4 KerberosManagerLib 1.0.1a1 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_0_1a1 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.2d3 from tag LoginLib_1_2d3 TicketKeeperLib 1.0.1a1 from tag TicketKeeperLib_1_0_1a1 WrappersLib 1.0d4 from tag WrappersLib_1_0d4 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib, KClientLocatorLib 3.0d3 from tag KClient_3_0d3 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 3.0d3 March 11, 2000 Parts: CCacheLib 3.0d3 from tag CCacheLib_3_0d3 DESLib 1.1d2 from tag DESLib_1_1d2 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.0d3 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_0d3 Kerberos4Lib 1.0d4 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_0d4 KerberosManagerLib 1.0.1a1 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_0_1a1 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.2d2 from tag LoginLib_1_2d2 TicketKeeperLib 1.0.1a1 from tag TicketKeeperLib_1_0_1a1 WrappersLib 1.0d3 from tag WrappersLib_1_0d3 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib, KClientLocatorLib 3.0d3 from tag KClient_3_0d3 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 3.0d2 February 27, 2000 Parts: CCacheLib 3.0d2 from tag CCacheLib_3_0d2 DESLib 1.1d2 from tag DESLib_1_1d2 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.0d2 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_0d2 Kerberos4Lib 1.0d4 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_0d4 KerberosManagerLib 1.0.1a1 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_0_1a1 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.2d1 from tag LoginLib_1_2d1 TicketKeeperLib 1.0.1a1 from tag TicketKeeperLib_1_0_1a1 WrappersLib 1.0d2 from tag WrappersLib_1_0d2 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib, KClientLocatorLib 3.0d2 from tag KClient_3_0d2 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 3.0d1 February 10, 2000 Parts: CCacheLib 3.0d1 from tag CCacheLib_3_0d1 DESLib 1.1d1 from tag DESLib_1_1d1 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 3.0d1 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_3_0d1 Kerberos4Lib 1.0d3 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_0d3 KerberosManagerLib 1.0 from tag KerberosManagerLib_1_0 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.0d3 from tag LoginLib_1_0d3 TicketKeeperLib 1.0 from tag TicketKeeperLib_1_0 WrappersLib 1.0d1 from tag WrappersLib_1_0d1 KClientLib, KClientCompatLib, KClientDeprecatedLib, KClientDriverLib, KClientLocatorLib 3.0d1 from tag KClient_3_0d1 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 2.5.1 October 22, 1999 Bug fix release for MIT Kerberos Library 2.5 Bugs fixed since 2.5: - Now works on pre-PCI PowerMacs (weak link against DriverServicesLib) - krb5_change_password 2 minute timeout added Parts: CCacheLib 2.0.2 from tag CCacheLib_2_0_2 DESLib 1.0.5 from tag DESLib_1_0_5 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, Kerberos5GlobalsLib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 2.5.1 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_2_5_1 KerberosManagerLib 1.0 from KerberosManagerLib_1_0 TicketKeeperLib 1.0 from TicketKeeperLib_1_0 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 2.5 September 14, 1999 Old APIs, unchanged: DESLib (1.0.5) Kerberos5GlobalsLib (2.5) Old APIs, API changed: Kerberos5Lib (2.5) Old APIs, implementation changed: CCacheLib (2.0.2) GSSLib (2.5) Kerberos5Lib (2.5) New APIs: KerberosManagerLib (1.0) TicketKeeperLib (1.0) ComErrLib (2.5) KerberosProfileLib (2.5) Parts: CCacheLib 2.0.2 from tag CCacheLib_2_0_2 DESLib 1.0.5 from tag DESLib_1_0_5 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, Kerberos5GlobalsLib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 2.5 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_2_5 KerberosManagerLib 1.0 from KerberosManagerLib_1_0 TicketKeeperLib 1.0 from TicketKeeperLib_1_0 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 2.5b2 Release date: September 2, 1999 Parts: CCacheLib 2.0.2b2 from tag CCacheLib_2_0_2b2 DESLib 1.0.5fc3 from tag DESLib_1_0_5fc3 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, Kerberos5GlobalsLib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 2.5b2 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_2_5b2 KerberosManagerLib 1.0b2 from KerberosManagerLib_1_0b2 TicketKeeperLib 1.0b1 from TicketKeeperLib_1_0b1 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 2.5b1 Release date: August 21, 1999 Parts: CCacheLib 2.0.2b1 from tag CCacheLib_2_0_2b1 DESLib 1.0.5fc2 from tag DESLib_1_0_5fc2 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, Kerberos5GlobalsLib, KerberosProfileLib, ComErrLib 2.5b1 from tag Mac_GSSKerberos5_2_5b1 KerberosManagerLib 1.0b1 from KerberosManagerLib_1_0b1 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 2.5a2 Release date: August 6, 1999 Parts: CCacheLib 2.0.2a1 from tag CCacheLib_2_0_2a1 DESLib 1.0.5fc1 from tag DESLib_1_0_5fc1 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, Kerberos5GlobalsLib, KerberosProfileLib 2.5a2 from tag GSSKerberos5_2_5a2 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 2.5a1 Release date: July 26, 1999 Parts: CCacheLib 2.0.1 from tag CCacheLib_2_0_1 DESLib 1.0.5a1 from tag DESLib_1_0_5a1 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, Kerberos5GlobalsLib, KerberosProfileLib 2.5a1 from tag GSSKerberos5_2_5a1 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 2.1d4 Release date: May 28, 1999 First development unified release of Kerberos v4 and v5 Parts: CCacheLib 2.0.1 from tag CCacheLib_2_0_1 DESLib 1.0.5d1 from tag DESLib_1_0_5d1 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, Kerberos5GlobalsLib, KerberosProfileLib 2.1d4 from tag GSSKerberos5_2_1d4 Kerberos4Lib, Kerberos4GlobalsLib 1.0d2 from tag Kerberos4Lib_1_0d2 LoginLib, LoginGlobalsLib 1.0d2 from tag LoginLib_1_0d2 RealmsLib 1.0d2 from tag RealmsLib_1_0d2 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 2.1d3 ??? Parts: ?? ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 2.1d2 ??? Parts: ?? ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 2.1d1 Release date: May 28, 1999 Distribution: MIT I/S internal Rebuilt everything from new tree Removed vers 2 resource Parts: CCacheLib 2.0.1d1 from tag CCacheLib_2_0_1d1 DESLib 1.0.5d1 from tag DESLib_1_0_5d1 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, Kerberos5GlobalsLib 2.1d1 from tag GSSKerberos5_2_1d1 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 2.0.2 July 7, 1999 Bugs fixed in this revision: - CCache system-heap trashing fixed Parts: CCacheLib 2.0.1 from tag CCacheLib_2_0_1 DESLib 1.0.4 from tag DESLib_1_0_4 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, Kerberos5GlobalsLib 2.0.1 from tag Mac_V2_0_1 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 2.0.1 June 29, 1999 New features in this revision: - Microseconds timing on PCI Macs - NRL config file name added Bugs fixed in this revision: - Microseconds support fixed for pre-PCI Macs - Profile layer correctly fails when a config file is not found Parts: CCacheLib 2.0 from tag CCacheLib_2_0 DESLib 1.0.4 from tag DESLib_1_0_4 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, Kerberos5GlobalsLib 2.0.1 from tag Mac_V2_0_1 ======================================================================== MIT Kerberos Library 2.0 April 29, 1999 Parts: CCacheLib 2.0 from tag CCacheLib_2_0 DESLib 1.0.4 from tag DESLib_1_0_4 GSSLib, Kerberos5Lib, Kerberos5GlobalsLib 2.0 from tag Mac_V2_0